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The novel takes a very strange turn when Mehmal decides to return the Mushaf to that black skinned girl and tries to make her realize that it was not the kind of a book that she portrays it to be and she knows about the Quran. The whole novel revolves around the life of the girl, Mehmal Ibraheem, who is displeased and irritated from the world. Despite having all this, this novel leaves a permanent place in the reader's heart. Readers of Mushaf journey through suspense, excitement, love, trust, betrayal, crisis and harsh realities of a brutal life.

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The name of the novel 'MUSHAF' (Arabic name of the Holy Quran) gives us a hint that it is a story related to religious content or it might contain some verses with beautiful meaning and deep tafseer.

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Nimra Ahmed, who is one of the best, inspirational and thought-provoking writers of Pakistan.

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Mushaf by Nimra Ahmed Romantic Urdu Novel is the most extra-ordinary, intellectual and creatively written fictional story.